Tuesday, August 26, 2008

To Nurse or Not to Nurse... Part 1

As I assume most women do, there are many days in which I question and re-evaluate why I am nursing my baby. Why am I allowing this infant to inflict such pain on me sometimes? Why do I insist on being physically attached to him no less than every 4 hours of the day? Why am I so selfish as to not let anyone else have the great opportunity to feed the little guy (while I sleep a few minutes longer!)? Why do I continue to put myself through humiliation for the sake of feeding him in public? Do I really like the thought of my poor overworked boobs and what will become of them when this is all said and done? The lack of freedom and opportunity? WHAT AM I DOING?!?!? In my moments of weakness, I remind myself of the reasons I started off nursing in the first place and manage to make it through another day on the path I set out to follow.

Why do it?

1.) In the hard economic times we are living in, especially when your family is living off of one income- the cash you don't spend on formula each week could probably pay your mortgage. (Slight exaggeration, just slight though)

2.) The overnight feeder is best satisfied by a quick hook up to the boobie. Instant gratification for him, not much effort required for Mom. In fact, I think I've slept through a few feedings even. No bottles to warm or wash or find under the bed weeks later!

3.) One on One time- Guaranteed! My favorite excuse for escaping unfavorable situations involving family and/or friends- "Baby's got to eat, please excuse us!" There's nothing better than escaping the yearly family argument after Christmas dinner or Grandma's old fashioned (horrible) ideas for raising your child for a little bit of peace and quiet!

4.) Healthy, Happy Baby! There's no better food for him than what I'm cooking up on a consistent basis. He's getting exactly what he needs, nothing more, nothing less! I'm confident he is growing with the best chances at health and comfort. There's no confusion or decisions in the baby formula aisle for us! No trial and error to find what works best.

5.) Breast milk Spit-up smells like roses in comparison to that of formula based spit up. It also doesn't stain clothing like formula does. My son's poop rarely has much smell to it at all-his gas is another story, but the actual bowel movement is rather unoffensive!

6.) Did you know the longer you breastfeed your children, the better your odds are of not being faced with breast cancer?

7.) Personal Diet Benefits- Nursing calls for a women to be at her healthiest to provide baby with the right vitamins and nutrients. This means continuing the pregnancy diet for the most part and keeping your own body healthy and happy - which it will thank you for dearly after all the stress of pregnancy, labor and delivery! In most cases, women see better results where their post-par tum goals are concerned if they breastfeed their babies. (I've already made it within 2 lbs of my prepreg weight, with very little effort on my part!) Plus pre-natal vitamins are recommended for nursing Mom's as well, which is another great way to keep your own health up to par.

8.) Feeling Guilt Free!- Every time I consider weaning my son I get sick with guilt. After all, research shows how powerful the choice to breastfeed really is, how could I take that away from him for my own benefit? My own mood lifts just knowing that I'm able to provide him with the top of the line meals, every time. This is particularly warming to me since there isn't much else "top of the line" (Ralph Lauren baby clothes, $350 stroller I'm dying to have, his own nursery furniture set... the list goes on!) that I'll be able to give to him.

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